Friday, September 29, 2006


...No my camera and I have not parted ways. I have been shooting unfortunately on an assignment only basis. Have been pretty busy and just have not gotten to get out there like I would have liked. I have been admiring though. I added quite a few links to this page after finding some really phenomenal photographers out there. Every morning as I work I browse, and and just wow myself with all the great work I come across. It inspires me....Recently I have been admiring It is a photolog by John Waller...striking. Really no words to describe his talent. His images are simply breathtaking. And the odd thing is he appears to capture these images with the same equipment I own.

This weekend should give me some time to go shoot. I have to cover a football game on Saturday night but I would like to start playing around with some 'detail' photography. Not really macro per say just things that we see everyday that may not be that interesting...

1 comment:

Ange said...

hope you don't mind me commenting :)

i am dying for some updated pics from you. my inspiration has waned but julie harris' images have sparked it a bit. i love her use of DOF. i just can't get my apeture low enough on the digi to get a similar result. must persevere.
