Thursday, September 07, 2006

Me a wedding photographer?

Was in the office the other night when T. the staff photographer for the paper said she hoped that David (the guy I shot the wedding for, one of our reporters) would bring in pictures from the wedding when he got back from the honeymoon. It was then that I kind of haphazardly mentioned to her that I shot as a secondary and that the photos were up on my site. So ofcourse she had me come over to her desk and we took a look at those as well as the engagement photos she had not seen.

I explained to T. that I was trying to get experience so that I could shoot as a second for a couple of different photography companies. Similar to my tourrnament shooting with MW Photography I would just get paid around $200 or so a day to go help another photographer shoot a wedding. She just looked at me and grinned..."These are not secondary shots Stephanie, you can do it yourself..." Me? Nah...what about this what about that...I listed what I thought were fatal photographic flaws. Let me show you something she said...and pulled up the websites for the photographers in my region that did weddings> They were AWFUL! Too much photoshopping, Outdoor photos in complete shade just really bad photography. T. had just shot a wedding last Sunday, she said it was for a friend so she only charged $750. Normally she said she would charge $1500.00. This is with giving them no prints, just a cd with the images on it. She suggested if I really was worried about the calibar of my work to shoot a couple and charge around the $750.00 mark. Get comfortable, work the kinks out then when I felt I was up to par charge up there with the big boys.

Sooooooo...I officially have an ad on offering my services. I am also going to be checking there for opportunities. Don't get me wrong I am not going into wedding photography as a career path, just looking to fine tune my skills, make some money and give some people a good deal. All of this just makes my head spin. If you would have asked me a month ago I would have replied no way no how!

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